EDUCATION MFA at the University College of Arts, Crafts & Design, Faculty for Furniture Design and Interior Architecture (1994)
Additional studies in pedagogy at the Gothenburg University (2021-22) and the University College of Arts, Crafts & Design in pedagogy and artistic research processes (2014-17).
CLIENTS AND COMMISSIONS for e.g. Svenskt Tenn, Almedalsgolv, Röhsska Museet, Historiska museet/ The Swedish History Museum, Futurniture, Kateha, Tekniska museet/ The National Museum of Science and Technology, Design House Stockholm, Klong, Vamlingbolaget, NC Nordic Care, Nola, Lima deli, Askul (Japan), Wanås Konst, The Swedish Society of Crafts and Design/ Svensk Form, Business Sweden, Länsstyrelsen Gotland, Futurniture, Svenska Institutet/ the Swedish Institute, Riksutställningar/Swedish Travelling Exhibitions.
AWARDS 2024 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Konstnärsnämnden, 2 year work grant), Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse, Estrid Ericson Grant, 2023 Helgo Zettervalls fond, 2022 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Konstnärsnämnden, 2 year work grant), 2021 Axel Larsson Memorial Fund, 2018 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Konstnärsnämnden, 2 year work grant), 2018 Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse, 2013 Estrid Ericsons Stiftelse, 2006 Estrid Ericsons Stiftelse, 2004 IASPIS, 2002 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Konstnärsnämnden, 2 year work grant), 2000 IASPIS, 1997 The Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Konstnärsnämnden, 2 year work grant)
HONORARY TASKS since 2021 Member of The Expert Committee for Crafts and Design, KRO/The Artists’ Association of Sweden, 2019 Member of The Educational Board of Swedish Architects, 2018 Gustaf and Ida Unmans Donation Fund, 2017 Design Lab S, Member of the board, 2017 Sveriges konstsmidesförening, Member of the jury, 2014-19 Member of the board of The Swedish Society of Crafts and Design/ Svensk Form, 2013 Ung Svensk Form, Member of the jury.
SARA SZYBER Interior Architect, Furniture Designer, Exhibition Designer and Senior Lecturer in furniture design at HDK-Valand/ Campus Steneby.
The versatile design work of Sara Szyber spans over a wide range related to the interior – from furniture and industrial design to the shaping of exhibition and interior architectural projects. Her deep interest in materiality and pattern is a consistent theme throughout her working life.
In 2020 Sara Szyber was invited to the Misschiefs movement, which resulted in her bespoke Death Proof Cabinet. Within this coherence she has continued to develop unique furniture and glass objects. Her works are frequently shown within the realm of Misschiefs, e.g. during Milan Design Week 2022, at the Swedish Institute in Paris 2023 and during Stockholm Design Week 2025 .
During her career she has been involved in such a diverse range of work as designing ”Play!” – an exhibition for children that toured across Europe, through being the creator of a wide range of original furniture and product designs together with renowned companies like Svenskt Tenn, Design House Stockholm, Nola, NC and Klong. On behalf of The Swedish Society of Crafts and Design/ Svensk Form, Sara made exhibition design and managed the tour for the “17 Swedish Designers”-show through USA, Austria and Czech Republic. In addition, she has been commissioned to create interior spaces for Röhsska Museum, The Gotland Visitor’s Centre/ Gotlands Naturum, The National Museum of Science and Technology and a space for visitors at The Swedish History Museum in Stockholm.
Sara Szyber has been granted several awards during her working life – in 2021 she received the Axel Larsson Memorial Award from Svensk Form for her Check Mate Chairs. 2024, for the 4th time in her professional life, she received a 2-year work grant from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee.
Sara Szyber is committed in design industry issues and since 2021 a member of the Expert Committee for Crafts and Design/ Konstnärernas Riksorganisation. Between 2014-19, board member of the The Swedish Society of Crafts and Design/ Svensk Form.
Since 2021 Sara Szyber holds a 50 % position as a Senior Lecturer in furniture design at the Gothenburg University, HDK-Valand/ Campus Steneby, which further deepens her expertise and experience in design.
Contact hello@saraszyber.com
Instagram saraszyber
Photo Sanna Lindberg